There is no doubt that a perfectly furnished office space goes a long way in enhancing the office image. It also offers working comfort to the employees there. Those who spend considerable part of their waking hours working in office, often complain about the poor design of their chairs and office desks. The type of office furniture that a company decides depends on various factors – nature of business, company budget, floor space, number of employees etc.
Most employees prefer chairs that allow good armrest support. People who have to spend long hours in front of computers feel that right armrest support will help in reducing their neck and back pain. Computer accessories like monitor, keyboard, UPS etc that are within reach and at comfortable heights can help operators in reducing problems arising out of wrong body postures. The furniture layout should be designed in a way that people can work comfortably and access other parts of the office.
Whereas twenty years ago everyone wanted a heavy desk with plenty of small drawers and cubbies, today’s most common request is for a desk that will hold a computer, perhaps a laptop, and then the peripherals such as CPU, printers and telephone/fax equipment.
Providing a double or a single pedestal desk may be helpful in keeping the regularly used files in desks. In case you work from a laptop and not from a PC, a compact desk, free from attachments, could suffice. It is suggested that the extension of an L-shaped desk can be an ideal option as it also helps in conducting a meeting.
Interior specialists recommend not choosing furniture either too large or too small. Extra large and heavy furniture tend to fill space and dominate a room while extra small furniture can leave a lot of vacant spaces and may get simply lost. Right furniture size allows enough leg space for people to sit comfortably and do their work and the hall will also look filled up. It is said that a standard 29-30 inches desk height from the floor level can allow proper space for the user’s leg.
The right office furniture can create the right image for a company. Over ornate and expensive furniture may sometimes be jarring to the eyes and can also create the impression that your service can be expensive as compared to your competitors. Again, outdated and shabby furniture can make your company look unprofessional and give the impression that you are not doing well in your business.
As regards the wait area, imagine yourself to be a visitor and ask what would you expect when you walk into an office. Use furniture that look inviting and offers relaxation - may be a commodious well-cushined sofa and chairs. Please remember that employees who are usually out of office for most of the day may not need the same level of comfort and functionality that the inhouse staff may need.
You may do well to know that cheaper furniture may not be stylish, but it may be the most functional. The most expensive might be stylish but unsuited for use on a daily basis. Office furniture experts can assess your office space and ensure that you make optimium use of the existing space. While choosing right furniture for your office, you can consider the 4 essential elements. These are utility, cost, style, and the last and the most important element - safety and comfort of your employees.