The Truth About Credit Repair Services

Credit repair services advertisements are everywhere you look making amazing claims about how they can fix your credit and recover your ability to get finance. However, most of these claims are nothing but false advertising and many of these services are nothing but scams. Learn how to recognize legit companies and how to protect yourself.

Advertisements from credit repair companies can be found on local newspapers, TV, radio, internet, and fliers on the mail and on the streets claiming that if you have credit problems they can help you, that they can remove your bad credit, that they can get you a new credit identity or that they can remove stains like bankruptcy, judgments, liens, late payments, missed payments, and even unpaid loans or credit card balances.

Avoid Being Taken In

Truth is that all the above claims are nothing but false advertising, no one can remove those marks from your credit report unless the information is false or inaccurate. If you are actually responsible for those delinquencies, only time and a continued proper credit behavior can improve your credit report.

If these companies promise you they can fix your credit so you can get a new loan, credit card, store card, etc. right away, they are lying and you are probably facing a scam. Save your money and time and avoid paying for these companies’ services. Only legitimate companies that state that credit repairing can take some time are saying the truth and can help you to repair your credit by teaching you budgeting, how to refinance your loans, how to consolidate your debt, etc.

Avoid Legal Problems

Moreover, being ripped off is not the only problem you may face. If you follow some of these companies’ advice and try to invent a new credit identity and a new credit history by using an employer identification number instead of the social security number or by faking documentation, you may be charged with fraud and face serious legal consequences.

Don’t pay attention to companies that want you to claim that information on your credit report is false if it isn’t or any other practices that you think are clearly illegal or immoral. Don’t lie when submitting forms or other documentation nor when answering questions to lenders by phone. The conversations may be taped, the documents kept and used as proof to prosecute you for fraud.

The Truth About Credit Repairing

No one, in any way can remove correct information from your credit report in a legal way. Thus, if it isn’t a scam, it’s a crime. What can actually be done in order to repair your credit is to show a continued positive credit behavior. Some companies can teach you to do that and provide you with documentation and all the necessary tools for achieving your goals. It may take some time but it can be done with little sacrifices. However, there are no such things as magic solutions to your credit problems.

Legit Credit Repair companies will teach you how to repair your credit by yourself. What they can actually do is to provide you with information that you’d be able to find for yourself but is spread all over the net and on different government agencies. They have all this information, forms and documents packed and easily explained so you can save yourself time and probably money too.