Consider a Current Account Mortgage

Buying a property is one of the most stressful and arduous tasks one can ever encounter, it does come with some huge blessings and an unquestionable sense of achievement. All positive emotions and sentiments fostered may become overshadowed in the event of making a wrong choice. If you have gone with your whimsical nature and taken out the first mortgage that came your way you may find you are paying well over the odds for the privilege of borrowing from a particular lender.

These are all the things that need to be taken into consideration prior to your purchase, that way they can be dealt with sooner rather than later and any nuances can be successfully ironed out before you make a huge financial commitment to both a mortgage and a home. When taking out any form of a mortgage it really is important to remember that it is a purchase and not simply a means to an end. If you don't take the time to ensure that the product is in fact the one that you want and that it is the right one for you it will simply be a means to your end, financially speaking that is.

The credit crunch has had a number of affects, for some it has forced them to ponder on whether the purchase of a property at the moment is financially viable. After careful consideration, this group have opted not to take out the massive loan that is a mortgage and have chosen to put off moving up the property ladder, others in this group have opted to continue renting rather than placing their foot on the property ladder.

Others have seen the ripples of the credit crunch as the beginning of the end for them and their dream of owning their patch of UK land, it is as if these individuals believe the ability to own is slipping out of their fingers and if they don't grab at the opportunity now they will never get another chance to do so. This group of home-hungry-hunters have their eyes on the prize and are determined by hook or by crook to get it.

This may be an admirable trait for marathon runners who need the steely determination to complete the task at hand, not so admirable when it comes to making large purchases. Being blind-sighted by home-ownership can land you in some serious financial hot water, rather taking into consideration your needs, your desires and your limitations you can still reach the goal of home-ownership without it costing you more than you can afford.

One type of mortgage that received a lot of publicity a few years ago but has since drifted into relative obscurity is the current account mortgage. This type of mortgage allows you to combine your mortgage loan with your current account allowing you more freedom with payments. In essence it is a huge overdraft with all the benefits attached. If you want to make more payments one month and less another that is allowed without penalisation.

This type of mortgage comes as a blessing to those that have a relatively low income but regularly receive commission that hugely increases their take-home wage. As most mortgage lenders don't take your ‘potential’ income into consideration and only that which is stipulated in your contract it can be hard for such individuals to source a mortgage with the flexibility they need.

With a mortgage of this kind it might be horrific when you look at your statement as if your mortgage is £130,000 and you have just been paid to the amount of £1,233 then your balance will show -£128,767! As long as your heart doesn't keep skipping a beat each time you receive your monthly statement you’ll appreciate all the benefits of such a mortgage.