The Collapse of the Mortgage Industry

San Diego, CA – Today’s economic downturn is not just a matter of consumer confidence in the market place, it’s more of a need for qualified experts in the field of real estate, finance and commerce to step up to the plate and help those in need. Home owners and families search the Internet for assistance but more often than not their searches are in vain due to inadequate resources taking any and all comers without proper screening or pre-qualifying. This causes massive confusion between those that can help with credit repairs and loan modifications and the consumers that need it and qualify for it.

For companies and financial institutions that require specific information in order to assist getting the right kind of home loan leads and credit repair leads provides more than just improved service to the customer but speeds up the process considerably. At the rate the country has been spiraling towards a depression, time is of the essence.

One company that has been specializing in providing qualified and motivated home loan leads, credit repair leads and live debt consolidation leads does so with state of the art Internet technology and old fashion human contact is Firerock Leads. Using a variety of methods to capture, screen and direct sales leads to companies that hunger for more than just a current data list of names and addresses, Firerock Leads has perfected the art and science of sales lead generation along with crafting the ultimate in customer service with live lead transfers.

Live lead transfers are the epitome of today’s fast paced desire for instant access where by consumers searching for information and help with their mortgages, finances and credit are gathered through the use of radio advertising and website portals. Once a potential customer goes to the site and fills out a short inquiry form the applicant is almost instantly contacted and screened by a call center representative trained to ask the right questions and accumulate the required data so important in making the correct match between client and company.

Once the call center has determined that the contact is qualified and has been properly primed to speak to a rep, they are transferred right then to the financial company that will best meet their situation. This kind of immediate attention is a god-send to eager and anxious home owners and desperate people in dire straits due to credit problems. There is no time to wait when your house is in jeopardy or the family nest egg is about to crack. Action is required and the quicker a person can connect to an expert for help the better off they are.

For the company that is offering these services the ability to have qualified home loan leads and credit repair leads sent to their sales people at the height of the consumer’s interest is absolutely golden. Getting live debt consolidation leads dropped into the lap of a sales rep creates an amazing and instant bond between consumer and sale person. The customer has the immediate gratification from being connected to the expert they need to talk while their questions are still fresh in their heads and the sales person isn’t tired from dragging through hundreds of dead phone calls to people of no interest or are unqualified for their products and services. Both parties win with this scenario and this is how sales and service is done in the 21st century.