Call the Movers! You’re Closing Date is Extended!

You’ve called the movers, you’re all packed, and it’s the eleventh hour before closing. Your phone rings and it’s your lender with bad news. Your loan’s not going to close tomorrow. Whatch you talking about, Willis? Everything’s ready, the utilities are being turned off tomorrow, and the movers are showing up! Why is this happening?

There are so many moving pieces to a puzzle of a loan closing. Everything has to be coordinated to make it go smoothly. For instance, get the requested documents to your lender as soon as possible. If you dilly dally, you may run into problems. You see, your lender has a whole pipeline of loans, as do all the other mortgage lenders that work for that particular company. All of these loans have to be reviewed by an underwriter. So, basically, your loan has to take a number. And if you’re not prompt, your loan may go to the back of a very long line. Most people want their loans to close at the end of the month, so you can imagine the huge glut and back up that occurs. Thus, be prompt and responsive to your lender’s requests to allow everyone time to do their job.

Also, don’t quit your job and expect to close because your approval depends on you receiving proven income. On the day of closing, a lender is going to make a call to ensure you’re still employed. Funny, but your ability to repay the loan is important when someone’s fronting you thousands of dollars. No job, no moola.

If you’re a seller, be sure you’re ready for that final walk through. If the buyers are expecting you to leave the bathroom mirrors and the curtains, then don’t pack them up. The house should be broom clean (unless otherwise noted in the contract) and there shouldn’t be any new damage or sudden repairs needed that previously didn’t exist.

Weird things can happen, too. I know of a loan that was delayed in closing because two days prior to the deadline the title company found out that the builder/seller had filed bankruptcy. It seems that he was not in a position to sell the home anymore, and he failed to tell anyone (however, the new owner who got the property in bankruptcy was happy to sell, but closing was delayed). Another odd tale was that of the seller who failed to disclose he had a $49,000 tax lien outstanding on a property. He didn’t feel it necessary to mention this situation to anyone. It was pretty much a deal killer, as you can imagine.

Another thing that can cause a hiccup is failure to alert anyone that that one of the parties (buyers or sellers) will be out of town for a closing. These situations aren’t insurmountable, but they require careful planning and coordination. Sometimes, the contract changes and the lender isn’t notified until after the loan is fully underwritten. Contract changes most usually require a loan to be shot back through underwriting. Remember, you get in the back of the line.

Another minor hitch that frequently occurs involves self employed borrowers. The lender takes a loan application over the phone and writes down the borrower’s income. When tax returns are collected, the lender comes to find out that what their borrowers earn isn’t exactly what they claim with Uncle Sam. A lender will almost always use the income you report to the government, not what shows on your bank statements. All of a sudden, the borrower is no longer income qualified to close the loan. Time to scramble.

The moral of the story is to listen to your lender and keep an open line of dialogue going. Keep the him/her aware of changing situations. Email is great tool for use in accomplishing this purpose. It takes only a minute or two and can save everyone lots of heartache in the long run.