Being Responsible in Your Foreclosure Procedure

Being Responsible in Your Foreclosure Procedure
Taking responsibility for the role you played. Now do not get me wrong here, I am not saying that your foreclosure is your fault. But what I am saying is that you need to take a look at how your foreclosure procedure developed and be honest with yourself about how your actions contributed to it.

I fully realize that my choice to move out of my home and let it sink into foreclosure was a stupid one. I also realize that there was a cost associated with that. A rather large and expensive one in my case because I decided to move back into the house and save it from foreclosure rather than letting it go. I paid a significant amount of money in fees and made some tough choices. I fully accept responsibility for my choice.

What choices did you make that contributed to your foreclosure? I know this is not an easy one and it can feel downright uncomfortable but if you want to stop your foreclosure procedure, think about this and be honest with yourself.

Being financially responsible. In an instant gratification kind of society like we live in, financial responsibility seems to have taken a back seat. Saving money and developing proper budgets to live on is not something popular or trendy. But if you want to stop your foreclosure procedure, you will need to take financial responsibility for your life. This means developing a budget that you can live with and a budget that is within your means. This also means tracking your money every month so that you know where it is going. The amount of money that you spend on stuff that you really do not need might surprise you.

Taking responsible action with your mortgage company. This means talking to them and trying to workout a solution to your foreclosure with them. Your foreclosure procedure will move forward whether you talk to your mortgage company or not. The responsible choice is the one where you choose to try to work with them. And if they refuse to work with you, the responsible choice is seeking help to deal with your mortgage company.