Your Down Payment and your Mortgage

If you have never purchased a home before then you might be surprised at how much you actually need for a down payment. Coming up with this large sum of money can be a very hard thing to do, especially for those just starting out in life. If you are in one of the lower income brackets it can seem next to impossible to come up with the whole 20 percent that is needed to avoid mortgage insurance but there is hope, even for these people. Lenders are much more flexible than they used to be and you should be able to find some lenders willing to work with you to get you a mortgage even if you do not have a lot of money to put as a down payment.

The majority of lenders out there will want anywhere from 5 to 20 percent of the sale as a down payment but there are some with zero down mortgage programs but these are harder to get. And it is a good idea to remember that the larger your down payment the more likely the lender that you choose will be to forgive any bad credit history. If you can manage at least a 25 or 30 percent down payment then the lenders might even be willing to approve your loan and not look into your income. And remember that if you cannot muster up 20 percent of the money you will, as mentioned before, have to pay mortgage insurance, which will drive up your monthly payments.

All of the above means that the more money you can put towards your down payment the bigger, better house you will be able to afford and the lower your mortgage payments each month will be.

There are mortgage calculators online that can help you to find out how much you can actually afford to spend on your new home. These calculators will take into consideration the amount of money that you make each year and the amount of debt that you currently have to pay off.

If you want the entire mortgage process to go as smoothly as possible there are some things that you can do. For example you can have your down payment all ready to go well before you even apply for your mortgage. And start planning your savings around your mortgage before you get it as well. By saving the money you will need in advance you will not have to worry about defaulting on any of your payments.

If you are still having trouble coming up with the cash that you need for your down payment consider asking your family if you can borrow some money from them. And if this does not work for you look into the special mortgages that are out there for first time homebuyers. These loans might be for you.