In today's competitive and unstable economical climate, surety bonds play a crucial role, guaranteeing for the respecting of payments, the fulfilling of certain roles or other terms stipulated in legal agreements. Surety bonds can take a wide range of forms, serving for a multitude of purposes. While some bonds are closed for guaranteeing payments and various other financial transactions, others oblige the parts who sign the contract to perform a series of tasks or fulfill certain duties.
Although surety bonds are commonly undertaken and managed by insurance agents, it is very important to note that they differ from insurance. Surety bonds are basically legal documents that guarantee that an obligation will be properly fulfilled; otherwise, a certain penalty will be paid by the surety company. Once a person signs the agreement on the bond, that person is obliged to reimburse the surety company in case of a financial loss. Surety bonds are powerful financial tools undertaken through documents and forms that are often very different from those characteristic to insurance.
Surety bonds can be categorized in two main distinctive groups: contract surety bonds - provide financial security and construction assurance on construction projects by guaranteeing to the obligee that the principal will perform the work and pay certain subcontractors, workers and material suppliers (include performance bonds, bid bonds, payment bonds, maintenance bonds and subdivision bonds) and commercial surety bonds guarantee performance by the principal of the obligation or undertaking described in the bond (include license and permit bonds, judicial and probate bonds, public official bonds and federal bonds). A very popular subtype of commercial surety bonds is represented by mortgage broker bonds. Due to the fact that mortgage broker bonds are imposed by state law, enabling brokers or lenders to sustain their activity in legality, these subtypes of commercial surety bonds have a great importance and are highly requested at present.
Despite the fact that many people consider that mortgage broker bonds and mortgage banker bonds are the same thing, these types of bonds are in fact two distinctive concepts. While mortgage banker bonds refer to license and permit bonds that are required for mortgage brokers who are also members of the institutions that finance the loan, mortgage broker bonds are designed exclusively for brokers, not for persons who are also lending the funds. Consequently, mortgage broker bonds are generally easier and quicker to obtain than mortgage banker bonds.
Mortgage broker bonds guarantee the authenticity and legality of brokers' license, as well as the respecting of the laws, rules and regulations imposed by a certain state and / or required by the mortgage broker licensure code. It is important to note that each state establishes a series of specific laws and thus each state has individual mortgage broker bonds. In addition, each state may regularly change the document list required for obtaining mortgage broker surety bonds, as well as the fees that need to be paid in order to close such bonds. Thus, it is advisable to do an elaborate research on the exact state requirements before closing mortgage broker bonds in a certain state.
The surety bond industry has suffered substantial changes over the last few years, determining considerable increases in surety bond rates. In addition, personal credit reports nowadays have a greater importance in obtaining better bond rates. For instance, a person with a great credit score is more likely to obtain lower rates than a person with a less impressive credit situation. However, even in the case of clients with good credit scores, most surety bond companies may decide to drop their policies if their clients' credit scores drop. The good news is that mortgage broker surety bonds are still affordable and not difficult to obtain.
Unlike most types of surety bonds, mortgage broker bonds haven't changed much in the last few years, at present having a low claim rate and benefiting clients with low premiums. However, in order to ensure that you will be provided with highly efficient and affordable mortgage broker bond services, you should only rely on the best bonding agencies in the industry. To obtain the best results, it is advisable to hire the services of an experienced, reliable and dedicated bonding agency with an impeccable reputation.