Finding Low Interest Mortgage Loans Saves Cash

Not all low interest mortgage loans were created equally. Some are truly good loans with valid low rates. Others are mirages using a low stated interest rate as camouflage for a higher rate. In order to tell the difference you must do your research, and then read the fine print of your mortgage documents before signing on the dotted line.

The easiest mortgages to understand are what are called fixed rate mortgages. These loans have an initial interest rate which never changes during the course of the loan without you desiring it to. It can change if interest rates go down and you wish to refinance
. However, it can never be raised by the lender unilaterally.

The second class of mortgages are referred to as adjustable rate mortgages. These are most often referred to as ARM's. Adjustable interest rate loans often have a lower initial interest rate than their fixed fate cousins. However, in many instances this is short lived. ARM's have a proclivity to quickly rise.

The worst of the variety of ARM's out there are called teaser rate loans. As their name implies, they serve to tease borrowers with a very low introductory interest rate. However, that low rate does not last long. Most teaser rate mortgages rise rapidly once the introductory period expires. The end is often tragic for the homeowner.

In order to know if the mortgage you are entertaining truly has a low rate you must read all the details. Ascertain whether the interest rate is fixed or if it adjusts. If it does adjust, then you must know when it does and what calculation is used to figure out how much. You will not be able to know the exact amount of your future mortgage payment, but you will be able to come up with a good approximation.

The best low interest rates are those which come with fixed rate mortgages. This way you know you are able to have the low rate for the life of the loan. To get a low rate fixed rate requires good credit and usually at least a 20% down payment. Currently, the appraisal also matters greatly and must justify the purchase price. For those able to get one, a low interest rate fixed rate is the way to go.

Some scenarios fit well with adjustable low rate mortgages. One is if you know you are only going to own the property for a short duration. If you are sure you will be selling the property before the first reset, then an adjustable rate can be a smart move. However, if there is any doubt about the length of your ownership then a fixed rate is the way to go.

Low interest mortgage loans are out there. However, you must do your research to ensure you are truly getting a low rate. Some rates quoted up front are not as they appear. You need to drill down to the details and fine print to make sure you understand exactly what you are signing. The extra homework can save you thousands of dollars.