Rescue Your Mortgage in 3 Easy Steps

Here are 3 things you can do immediately to deal with your mortgage challenge (and any negative feelings you may be having):

Step 1: Say Goodbye to Guilt!

Perception is reality. If you're in danger of losing your home that's one thing. But if you're also torturing yourself with feelings of guilt over it -- you're increasing the odds of a disaster happening.

The truth is, what's done is done. At this point it doesn't matter how you got into this mess, or even whose fault it is -- what matters is how you deal with the situation. Who cares who's to blame? Whether it's your fault, the bankers or societies is irrelevant. What matters now is keeping your home. Don't waste another minute trying to defend your situation or affix blame. Who cares?

Step 2: Kiss Worry Goodbye!

Fear is real. Fear can take a problem that can easily be solved, and turn it into a gigantic obstacle that will guarantee failure if it isn't dealt with. We worry about the things we fear.

The good news about worry and fear is that once again, it's a matter of perspective. And in this case, when you take a realistic look at your situation, you'll realize there are plenty of reasons for you to have hope.

For starters, consider this ... you are not alone! There are enough other Americans in the same situation you're in to make helping you turn things around a priority. It's in everyone's best interest that you survive. Which is why your government has created a new program, a "two-pronged attack" to help as many "at risk" homeowners as possible find a way to keep their home.

So the key is for you to develop a new perspective.
Think of it like this: lenders need to keep as many loans from defaulting as possible ... and your fellow homeowners need as many of their neighbors as possible paying their mortgages in order to keep their own homes from decreasing in value. All of which brings you one step closer to solving your crisis.

You're now at the final step - the one which empowers you to take action -- and action automatically cures fear! You now need to simply:

Step 3: Arm Yourself With Knowledge!

Knowledge is power! It's time to learn about the many options available to help you deal with your situation.

If you're having financial difficulties it's simply a matter of matching the right program to your situation. Imagine how you'll feel once you know exactly what to do in order to keep your home!

Earlier in this article I mentioned the governments "two-pronged attack" that has been designed to help as many homeowners as possible. Learn all you can about it.

It's the Obama Administration's "Making Home Affordable" (MHA) Plan, and it's "two-pronged attack" involves either:

1. Help in Refinancing your loan, or,
2. Modifying the loan you already have.

Each plan is designed to reduce your monthly payments to a level you can afford -- both now AND into the future!

So take heart! Help is available. You simply need to do a little research, arm yourself with knowledge about the "Making Home Affordable" plan, and take your best course of action!