Governmet Assisted Loan Modification: Will They Bail You Out?

The number one question we get from homeowners is, "Should I wait for the government to help bail me out of my mortgage?" Well we do not want to sway anyone from choosing their own path. We do want to provide you with the tools and resources to make the best decision for you and your family. Decisions which most assuredly will go a long way to helping you save your home from foreclosure. Here is some research we have done on your behalf to answer that question.

Will the government bail me out?

First we have to look at the "bailout" put in place by the government. The initial bailout plan was to buy up bad mortgages and stop foreclosures. This obviously did not happen and most of the funds were used to bailout banks. Why bailout the banks and leave homeowners in turmoil?

Will waiting on government foreclosure assistance hurt me?

So far there is no evidence of direct government assistance to help homeowners avoid foreclosure. The bailout helped the banks and government programs are directed towards helping your lenders, not you. Obtaining a certified loan modification attorney to negotiate with your lender is imperative and can save your home from foreclosure.

What about the new FDIC loan modification program?

The FDIC, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, has issued a loan modification program that projects saving over 1.5 million homes from foreclosure in the next year. What is the program about and will it help you stop foreclosure or is it just another bailout bust?

The Foreclosure Process - How you can come out on top?

Foreclosure and the risk of losing your home is the most stressful thing a family can experience. The foreclosure process is confusing and your rights as a homeowner are not going to be explained by your lender or the courts. You need foreclosure assistance from a loan modification attorney with a successful track record.