Accredited home loans

Lending agencies which offer accredited home loans to borrowers with unusual financing situations pride themselves on being flexible and personable. They know that when it comes to buying a house, not every borrower fits into the conventional profile or meets prime lending qualifications. Some are first-time home buyers, borrowers with high debt-to-income ratios, or homeowners seeking to refinance with a second mortgage. Lenders who specialize in extending accredited mortgages work with buyers, sellers, and real estate agents to broker the best deal for everyone involved at the most agreeable terms, in spite of less-than-perfect financials. While some lenders scoff at high-risk borrowers with excess buying baggage, banks and other financial institutions which offer accredited mortgages underwrite loans financed through conventional lenders. First-time buyers who fall short of prime lending requirements can get a boost by lenders who underwrite or guarantee all or part of the loan.